GlowScript 2.1 VPython num = 50 atoms = [] stiffness = 1000 # N/m - stiffness of elastic force speed = 2 # initial speeds in m/s freq = 200 kb = 1380.649 scale = 0.5 # size scale of system in meters atomR = scale / 20 # radius of atoms for i in arange(num): atoms[i] = sphere( radius = atomR) atoms[i].pos = 0.5 * scale * vector.random() atoms[i].mass = 0.1 # in kg atoms[i].vel = speed * vector.random() atoms[i].ke = 0.5 * atoms[i].mass * atoms[i].vel.mag * atoms[i].vel.mag dt = 1/freq time = 0 side = scale thk = 2 * atomR s2 = 2*side + thk s3 = 2*side + thk wallR = box (pos=vector( scale + thk, 0, 0), size=vector(thk, s2, s3), color = wallL = box (pos=vector(-scale - thk, 0, 0), size=vector(thk, s2, s3), color = wallB = box (pos=vector(0, -scale-thk, 0), size=vector(s3, thk, s3), color = wallT = box (pos=vector(0, scale+thk, 0), size=vector(s3, thk, s3), color = wallBK = box(pos=vector(0, 0, -scale-thk), size=vector(s2, s2, thk), color = vector(0.7,0.7,0.7)) # choose some random atoms to color for visibility for i in arange(num/20): atoms[i].color = vec(0,1,1) kinetic_energy = 0 potential_energy = 0 rms_speed = 0 while time < 50: rate(freq) for i in arange(num): f_normal = vec(0, 0, 0) # check for collisions w/ walls and apply elastic force if (atoms[i].pos.x < -scale): f_normal = f_normal + vec(stiffness * (-scale - atoms[i].pos.x) , 0, 0) if (atoms[i].pos.x > scale): f_normal = f_normal + vec(stiffness * (scale - atoms[i].pos.x), 0, 0) if (atoms[i].pos.y < -scale): f_normal = f_normal + vec(0, stiffness * (-scale - atoms[i].pos.y) , 0) if (atoms[i].pos.y > scale): f_normal = f_normal + vec(0, stiffness * (scale - atoms[i].pos.y), 0) if (atoms[i].pos.z < -scale): f_normal = f_normal + vec(0, 0, stiffness * (-scale - atoms[i].pos.z)) if (atoms[i].pos.z > scale): f_normal = f_normal + vec(0, 0, stiffness * (scale - atoms[i].pos.z)) # check for collisions with other atoms for j in arange(num): if (j == i): continue sep = atoms[i].pos - atoms[j].pos if (sep.mag < 2.0 * atomR): # two atoms overlapping f_normal = f_normal - stiffness * (sep - 2.0 * atomR * sep.hat) # calculate change in motion atoms[i].vel = atoms[i].vel + f_normal * dt / atoms[i].mass kinetic_energy += 0.5 * atoms[i].mass * atoms[i].vel.mag * atoms[i].vel.mag #potential_energy += stiffness * (scale - atom) rms_speed += (atoms[i].vel.mag * atoms[i].vel.mag) ** 0.5 for i in arange(num): # update positions atoms[i].pos = atoms[i].pos + atoms[i].vel * dt scene.caption = "Total Kinetic Energy: {0:.3f}, Average Kinetic energy: {1:.3f}, Average rms speed: {2:.3f}, Average Temperature: {3:.3e}".format(kinetic_energy, kinetic_energy/num, rms_speed/num, 2*kinetic_energy/(num*kb*3)) kinetic_energy = 0 rms_speed = 0 time = time + dt